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Accountability During Every Shift.

1) The Pulstar is a portable ibutton reader designed for maximum durability in both indoor and outdoor applications.

2) It reports a successful ibutton scan with a vibration pulse instead of with sound, making it ideal for use when sound cannot or should not be heard.

3) Pulstar is designed for the harshest environments. It’s ideal for security rounds, inspections, preventive maintenance checks, or any time you need to track people, items, locations, and activities.

4) Pulstar has 48k of memory, enabling you to store up to 5400 touch memory button reads before downloading. When Pulstar touches a button, the touch memory button’s unique ID is stored in the reader’s memory with the day and time.

5) A complete Pulstar system includes a Pulstar reader, download station, serial port cable, Pulstar communications software, and touch memory buttons.

6) The Pulstar download station provides the communications link between the Pulstar and the computer. Each download station holds two Pulstar readers and data is transferred to the PC.

7) Pulstar reads touch memory buttons, which are small, durable metal canisters that contain a unique ID number that cannot be duplicated. You can assign the button to represent a person, a location, and item or even an action.

8) Working outdoors in the rain? Pulstar’s cylindrical metal case is sealed against dirt and moisture. You can take it outdoors in a rainstorm, or to a dirty, dusty shop floor, without worry it will still perform indoors or outdoors, Pulstar can handle it.

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